avenues of contact will be explored. Examples of the type of ad and letter which might be used are printed at the end of this article. Here is how it will work.
We propose to publish the description, age, occupation and other pertinent information on those who wish to participate in a special little folder. Names and addresses will not be used. only code numbers. We will send this folder to women who res- pond to our first letter--that is women who have expressed an in- terest in the kind of men we describe. They can then pick out the men they want to correspond with and send them to us through "Contact". We will forward them on to the person selected with- out revealing the names of either of you to the other. The proper time to do this can be chosen by the persons involved but will not be done in any case until at least two letters have passed each way between correspondents. We desire to protect not only the FP, but the girl and the magazine itself. We do not want any- one complaining to the P.0. about any correspondent whose acquaint- ance was made through our efforts.
ing ventured nothing gained",
Admittedly this is not going to be an easy task. It may not work at all, and it will be expensive to try it. However, "noth- and the need is great so we propose to give the idea a good try. We will set up an advertising bud- get to attract such women. We will join several of the larger clubs and send the form letter to all women who advertise in their papers. And we will buy lists of women who are single but who have not advertised. All this costs money. Here is a pro- posed budget for a good test of 5000 names.
Joining Clubs
Printing 5000 form letters at $15/ M
articles at 20/,M
envelopes at 15/M
1000 follow up letters at 20/M
1000 descriptive folders
1000 follow up envelopes
Postage on 6000 letters
Typing 5000 envelopes at $15/M Cost of forwarding letters etc.
This is a lot of money!